Sunday, December 30, 2012

Google Maps Not Perfect Too?

Google Maps Not Perfect Too?: "The relationship of contract between Google and Apple was announced to be dropped in the month of September which resulted in the dismissal of the Google maps in iOS.
After Apple Inc. went through lot of troubles with the company's own map especially in Australia, the company restored its relationship with Google allowing Google Map to be in the iOS. Tim Cook, Apple's CEO also apologized publicly for the Apple map errors.
Now Google map has arrived iOS finally. Google maps are really reliable and informative. The reason is lot of years has been spent in hand-editing of the maps by hundreds of Google employees correcting thousands of errors which people reported each day. Since 2006, Google's street vehicles have hunted more than 3000 cities, clicking and making sure of the accuracy of the maps, according to Tampa Bay Times."

'via Blog this'

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